“As humans, we have this natural inclination towards finding that thing that gives us meaning, and when you find it, you’re overcome with a sense of complete satisfaction and it helps answer that question: ‘why? why am I here?’.”
Stephen Slen
Stephen Slen y Aaron Coret se graduaron en UBC en Ingeniería Integrada y ambos son co-inventores del Landing Pad. Una trágica experiencia en la vida de Aaron y la pasión de ambos por el ski y el snowboarding dieron origen a este invento. En esta charla, ellos comparten su trayectoria y sus logros, inspirándonos a seguir nuestros sueños, a nunca bajar los brazos y a dejarnos llevar por aquello que nos apasiona.
“Don’t worry about what you could end losing if you take a chance, or what you could be missing if you decide not to. Because the bottom line is: if you are not pursuing what your are passionate about, if you are not doing that thing that answers the question ‘why? why am I here?’, then you are just wasting your time.”
Aaron Coret